Thursday, February 16, 2017

My Bullying Story.

Today's post is a hard one for me. A lot of you know that I had a very hard time in middle school from my previous post, The Power of Makeup but I have never told the full story of my bullying. So today is the day my story gets told.

So when I entered middle school, I had little to no friends. I was pretty much starting from square one in the friend department. I changed everything about myself. I started wearing makeup and buying different clothes than I would normally wear. I tried fitting in and eventually, I found the friends and more importantly, the popularity I wanted. I would video chat with my friends every night. We would have sleepovers and then hang out for weekends at a time. Moving into my 7th-grade year, I felt like I was on top of the world. I was hanging out with the right people and the year was going to be awesome. A few months into the year things started to change. I wasn't being invited to hang out with my friends anymore. I was being left out of video chats and I wasn't invited to sleepovers and when sleepovers happened, my friends would ignore me or wait until I fell asleep and draw on my face and mess up my room. It was the lowest point I had ever felt.

One night I was doing homework and I had logged on to Facebook (yes it was cool then haha) to send a message to one of my classmates about our homework. I logged on to see I had a few message notifications so I opened them to see messages of people asking why I was sending mean messages to this one girl. I was being called names and being told people hated me and I was honestly confused. When I finally figured out what was going on, I learned my video chat account had been copied and the person that made the account made it seem I had just made a new account. So this person had sent friend requests to everyone on my list and started sending awful messages to people.

I immediately messaged the girl who had received those messages and started to slowly clear things up. I went to my assistant principal at school and explained what was going on and he helped me get things back on track.When I started my 8th-grade year. I decided it was time to be me again. I started dressing more comfortably, I cleared out my friend's list and I really focused on improving on who I was. I had friends that cared about me and were nice to me. I was finally happy.

My story isn't something I take lightly or something I try to hide. I embrace this story because it has made me who I am. Being bullied isn't a joke or something that is okay. If you know someone being bullied or you are the victim of bullying, please seek help. Seek it in an adult you trust because it isn't something you want to go through alone,

How can you make a difference?

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February Goals

Hello February and goodbye January! January was a pretty tough month so I am ready for February! In January I started some new series, de-cluttered my life a little bit, and really grew as a person. I also got sick again and really took a break from a routine. So February is going to be a month of improving everything around me and I am really excited to share my goals for this month!

  • Spend more time outside
  • Get back on a routine
  • Celebrate Galentine's Day
  • Plan ahead
  • Get ready for my last semester of high school
  • Get back on budget
What are your February goals?


January Wrap Up

So the first step of the new year is coming to an end. January was a pretty crazy month. I have decided to take some time each month to reflect on what has happened in the month with you guys! It is a time to let you in on my life a little and see how life has gone! I am so excited to start this and I hope you are too! So let's get started!

My year did not start out as exciting as some other people. The year started of when I joined a group that has come together to fight bullying through blogging. This was a new opportunity for me make a difference so I was very excited. Also, I had just gotten back from vacation and I was really just trying to get caught up in my classes. I was slowly starting to edit my pictures from my vacation and get back into a routine. But, later in January my youth group went on its annual winter retreat which for me was my last retreat. But, it was a time I grew in my faith and in relationships.

Again not much happened over the next couple of weeks. Exams preparation started which meant a lot of studying. During the stress I created a second Instagram account for all of my Disney pictures because I have so many pictures that I want to share! It was a really big step for me because I am not good at placing myself in situations where I can be judged.

The month ended with a special trip to my local racetrack to see one of my very good friends make his announcement for his 2017 race season. It was such a special time with very special friends and I am so thankful for the time I had!

So January was pretty normal. I am so excited for February and the opportunities it holds!

What was the best thing that happened to you this month?
