Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Magic of Disney

Image result for black and white disney castleDisney has always been something special to me. They were never just a group of people with a few theme parks and a lot of movies, Disney was always more of a feeling of safety. The Disney parks were somewhere I got to escape reality for a little bit. Whenever I was sad I could watch Disney movies or think about the times I had at a Walt Disney World park and I felt completely happy again. It felt more like a home than any other place in the world.

To my family, it was the place we went once a year to have pure fun. We became members of the Disney Vacation Club because we knew that Disney was always going to be a part of out lives. Every year, my family takes a vacation in the later months of the year to the Walt Disney World resort in Florida. To say I got excited about these trips is an understatement. Even as a teenager, the thought of a Disney vacation would  fill me with excitement. But everything changed in 2010 when my father lost his job. Things got harder with a lack of money and expenses to pay. With bills stacking up and some scary situations in the future, our family had to cancel our Disney trip. For me, this was the most devastating thing that could have happened. I lost my happy place and my escape from reality.

Things got a lot harder for me and my family as time went on. My dad was searching for a job while my mom was working two jobs. Being an only child, seeing my parents this stressed and scared for what the future held was not only stressful but terrifying for me. I saw things slipping out of my hands. Disney vacations were no longer a choice for us because we couldn't afford the time off. On the inside, I felt my heart breaking every time I heard about someone going on a Disney trip because that was my place. That was my home.

Now you are probably wondering why I am talking about this. In a few days, my family and I will be leaving for our first Disney trip since 2009. For my family, this is a big celebration because we finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. My dad now has a job that is keeping us steady and keeping us going. My mom is back to one job and I am feeling so much joy because I am getting my happy place back.

Disney World will always be an important place to me because there, magic is real. In this world, you can escape reality for a little while and act like a child. You can soar with Dumbo or explore different worlds. But what matters is that while you are there, you have the time of your life. Now to say I am excited to start the journey to Florida is a huge understatement because at this point I am bouncing off the walls.

My wish for you is that you find your happy place. Find a place you can escape to when things get bad. Disney has always been more of a home to me than anything and that is something I will always cherish.

Friday, November 25, 2016

18 Things I Have Learned in 18 Years

So today is a big day in my world because it is my 18th birthday! I can't say I haven't been counting down the days because I am super excited. But let me be honest. It has not been easy getting through eighteen years and I have learned a lot of lessons that will help me.

1. Quality Friends are the Best Friends

Yes, friends are important but it shouldn't matter how many friends you have but what type of friends you have.

2. It is Perfectly Fine to Stand Out

For the longest time, I tried to make myself be the popular kid and fit in with a certain group. What I finally learned is that being who you are is the most important thing you can do. 

3. Kindness is a Must

I have never met a mean person that was well liked. Kindness is something that will always help you out in the future.

4. Peer Pressure is Real

Peer pressure is something you will always hear about in life but it is something you have to fight. Giving in the peer pressure will only make you regret something. So make sure your decision is YOUR decision.

5. Budgeting is Important

Whether it is time or money you have to budget. It will keep your life a little more organized and you will feel a lot better.

6. It is Ok to Cry

Crying is something that just happens. There are days that a good cry is just what the doctor ordered.

7. Jam Sessions are Wonderful Mood Fixers

I am one person who you will always see singing in the car. Music is one thing that will always help improve your mood.

8. You Have to Love Yourself First

Being comfortable in your own skin is something everyone needs. If you don't love yourself, how can you love others?

9. You Need a Skill

I had a history teacher tell me that the one thing that you need is a skill. If you have a skill, the world opens for you to use what you know. 

10. There is Someone Who Always Loves You

I can guarantee that there as at least one person who loves you in your life. Whether it is a friend, family member, or community member, someone loves you.

11. The Truth Will Set You Free

This was a hard lesson for me to learn but even in hard times, the truth is always the right answer.

12. Math is Never Fun

I think math and I were made to be enemies but if you're good at math, good for you but I am convinced there is no hope for me.

13. Disney Movies Will Always Make You Happy

I am pretty sure that Disney movies are the best thing on the planet. Even when you're sad, if you put on a Disney movie, your mood will improve.

14. It's Ok to Act Silly

Being silly is just a fun part of life. Being serious all the time would just be boring.

15. Your Parents are Your Best Friends

My parents are the people I will always go to if I have something to say or if something is wrong. Parents are literally the best friends you could have.

16. Being Happy Should Be Your Main Goal

Happiness is something that should always be in focus. If you're sad, smile and look on the bright side.

17. It is Ok to Say No

If you don't like something, say no. If you feel in danger say no. No is always an acceptable answer.

18. Life is Short

If I have learned one thing in 18 years, it is that life is short and it goes by way too fast. So make sure you enjoy!

What is a life lesson you have learned?


Monday, November 21, 2016

6 Ways to Rock Black Friday

So  one of the biggest "holidays" is happening this week and everyone I have talked to is gearing up for Black Friday. American stores and customers are preparing for this day and the excitement is on every street corner. I don't know why but I have never really gotten into Black Friday. Probably because I find it crazy that people will stand outside for hours to get a coffee machine or a computer. But if there is something I have gained from listening to all the crazy Black Friday stories, it is what to do to prepare for this crazy day.

Know What You Want- if you are going to stand outside of Target or Best Buy for a couple hours make sure you have in mind what you want so that you can focus on the mission ahead. Spend some time before you head out too so that you have your mind set.

Know When Your Sale Starts- If you have had your eye on that new computer make sure you know when the sale starts. It is safe to say that if you are late, you're not getting your new computer.

Dress Warm- I get nervous for the people that stand outside for a long time without a jacket or something to keep warm. So please make sure you dress warmly.

Don't Spend More Than You Have- This is something I hear a lot of. People will just put everything they buy on their credit card and then when the bill comes in, they stress out because they don't know how they are going to pay the bill. So please be smart and give yourself a limit you can pay for.

Use All of the Discounts You Can Get- I think I have every app for every store I shop at so that I can get discounts. So make sure you have your coupons and sale ads ready.

Enjoy Yourself- If you do insist on going out for Black Friday, make it enjoyable. Make good conversation and get the things you have been waiting for.

Are you going out this Friday? What are you after?

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My Favorite Products that Beat Dry Skin

So if you are like me, you suffer from chronic dry skin and you have tried everything and in the fall it is even worse. I have tried every lotion, body cream, and moisturizer on the planet. Don't worry I feel your pain but I have found the best solutions and I am absolutely in love with them. They really get the job done when it comes to beating dry skin.

Jergens has a lotion made for people who suffer from dry skin and it is super easy to use. You use the lotion after finishing a shower and then instead of drying off immediately, you put this lotion on  pat your skin dry and it works instantly by trapping the moisture of the water into your skin. Your skin automatically feels softer and looks healthier.

Now for my face, I  suffer from acne and dry skin and for this problem I use Clean and Clear Advantage 3-in-1. It is a face wash that is not oil based and when I use it my face instantly feels cleaner and looks healthier. It really gets into your pores and cleans out all the dirt.

For normal body lotion for little dry spots here and there, I use any lotion from Bed Bath and Beyond. I am not a person to like heavy lotions that make my skin feel slimy for a long time. The lotions from Bed Bath and Beyond are nice and light and still get the job done plus they smell AMAZING!

What do you do to beat dry skin?

Thursday, November 10, 2016

4 Blogging Do Nots!

So after blogging for a year I have learned a thing or two. Not only has blogging let me have a creative outlet it has also taught me a lot about people and time management. While I have learned a lot of positive things (and I am still learning) I have also learned things that weren't really the best thing to do for a blog and I am here to help you today to make your blog successful and skip a few of my mistakes.

Selfies are Not For Blogs

Yes, selfies are convenient when you need a picture of yourself but they are not professional. Duck lips and peace signs are good for posting on Instagram and Twitter but if you are writing a blog that is professional, leave the selfie on social media. Take time to have nice photos taken of you. They don't have to be professional but even a nice picture of you standing will make a huge difference.

Don't Copy Other Bloggers

When I first started out I had a lot of post ideas, but as I got further into the year, I started running out of ideas. Now, there were times I would get inspiration for a post and other times I got over inspired and  I took the idea of another post completely. If you are in a creative slump, try looking at things a different way or even look for other bloggers that have lists of ideas that they are willing to share.

Don't Use Pictures Off Google

When you have your own blog, you need a visual to pull people in. When I first started, I thought clip art was the cutest thing for a blog and I was SO wrong. All phones have cameras and using Google Photos it makes them easy to get and use. Plus it gives you another way to show off your creativity. It will take a little time to develop the creative eye for photos but once you get the hang of it, it will be so fun!

Be Yourself

This is the biggest tip I have.When I decided to start blogging, I tried to sound like every other blogger on the internet. I would use words I would never use and I really stressed myself out. I finally learned that everyone has a different voice and a different perspective and no one can share your view on things besides you! So always remember, be yourself!

If you're a blogger, what other advice do you have? If you are just starting out, what are your questions?

Friday, November 4, 2016

17 Ways to have a Better Morning

Mornings are one thing we can not change. They happen every day and are needed to get the day going. I am not a morning person. I have never been a morning person and probably never will be. But I have found ways to make the morning a little less miserable and get my day started on the right foot. Here are 17 ways to have a better morning.

  1. Instead of a beeping alarm, set your favorite song to wake you up
  2. Make a positive morning playlist to listen to while you get ready
  3. Hug your pet
  4. Make your favorite morning drink
  5. Text your best friend
  6. Come up with positive goals for the day
  7. Find a daily reading that lifts you up
  8. Eat your favorite breakfast
  9. Scroll through Pinterest and find a new idea
  10. Dress up 
  11. Put on your favorite perfume
  12. Smile at yourself in the mirror
  13. Think of new adventures
  14. Think of five things you are faithful for
  15. Hug a friend
  16. Tweet something that makes you happy
  17. Make the decision to have a great day
What helps you have a better morning?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November Goals

October was a crazy month where I had a lot of stressful times. I got sick, I had family visiting,school activities, and so much craziness. I was, however, able to go out and enjoy some fall festivities.I got to go to the pumpkin patch with my mom, I got to go to a pumpkin carving party with my church small group, and I had my last high school homecoming!

But November is here and it is time to get back on track! I do have some repeated goals because I really didn't get anything accomplished (oops). But here no worries because I can just feel this is going to be a good month! So here are my November goals!

  • Start/Finish my Christmas shopping
  • Prepare for my Disney vacation next month!
  • Bake for Thanksgiving
  • Find some new blogs to read
  • Give the blog a facelift
  • Spend some time with my Grandma
  • Start a Facebook page for my blog
  • Work on my blog design and content
  • Create a personal budget
  • Create a blogging calendar
What are your goals for November?
