For those that don't know about the 86 truck team, you guys are missing out. This team is based out of Virginia and they are working real hard right now. The truck is driven by Brandon Brown and they are sponsored by Coastal Carolina University. I have been fortunate enough to know this team through my wonderful sports marketing teacher. The team is so nice and so welcoming and I was able to go on this weekend trip thanks to them!
So on Friday I left with my mom at 5:00 in the morning to make our way to Pennsylvania. Once we got to Pocono we got out credentials and headed down to the truck garage to meet up with the team and let the weekend begin. Now let me tell you, for an aspiring NASCAR photographer being down in the garage and on pit road was an amazing experience. I got to be right there with the action and capture some really cool shots. So during the day I explored this new environment and at some point in the day I wandered over to the ARCA garage. For those that don't know I am close with the 55 team for Venturini Motorsports and specifically the driver Dalton Sargeant. So I got to go over and see Dalton and his whole team who I hadnt't seen in two months. Seeing these guys is always fantatsic and I always enjoy the time with them. So later that day we got to be down in their pit box for the race and Dalton finished 3rd that day.

The next day was all truck series though. I got to the track a little bit later than the team but I got there to found out that qualifying got cancelled which led to an uneventful morning. My mom and I did walk out around in fan fest and we watched the Sprint Cup practice for the day. Finally race time rolled around and I was down in the 86 box for a very eventful race. The team worked hard all day and ran up in the top ten until we blew a tire and finished 24th. Let me tell you though, this team worked their butts off to fix the truck and make the best out of a bad situation. After the race it was all buisness as the team cleaned up and made the long trip back home. They worked hard all weekend and it was awesome to be down there with them.
I can't thank the team enough for letting my mom and I come hang out for the weekend and be a part of the madness. Being with them was definitly a fun time and a great learning experience. I am so thankful for the time with them and the time with my mom. Pocono was a fun track to be at and they were just amazing!

- Megan
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