What I Used:
A bottle of Elmer's Glue
A paper towel
- So to start off you take some glue and spreading it on your nose to cover all the blackheads.
- After you have the glue on your nose, you press the paper towel on your nose an let the glue start to dry.
- Once the glue is starting to dry you gently pull off the paper towel and the blackheads are gone.
Sounds easy enough right? Wrong. I am here to tell you that this myth is truly a myth. I tried twice and it didn't help me at all. If you are truly unhappy or have acne I suggest any Clean and Clear product. You can find their products at any store and there are so many choices. They are oil free and smell and feel really good. But for removing blackheads there are so many different remedies out there.
I have a new board on Pinterest called Beauty Hacks and I would love if you guys followed it. I have been pinning so many new hacks that are are so helpful and some of the things I never would have thought of.
I hope you enjoyed this post and that you found it helpful. If you found this helpful feel free to give the post a +1 and share it with a friend! I can't thank you guys enough for the support of me and this blog and we have reached over 1400 reads!! I never thought I would get to this point and I am just so blessed. Thank you guys so much! I will be back soon with another post in this series.
- Megan
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