1. Dress for Success! - I am probably the biggest fan of bum days but I also have been known to dress up when I am exhausted and feel terrible. It is proven if you dress up your performance is going to improve as well. Now I am not saying that you can't bum for the rest of the year because I am gonna be completely that I bum almost every day but dressing up every now and when you have tests is such a great thing and huge performance booster.
2. Sleep! - I know it is fun to stay up late and talk to friends and be on social media and all that but not having enough sleep is a totally bad idea. Your body needs time to recover from the day you have had and your mind needs a break. Teenagers need 7-9 hours to sleep and you may feel good after 6 hours but it isn't good for you or your body.
3. Study! - Yes you need to study for any final tests. Just ten minutes a day can make a difference and you will be thankful when you get that report card. So turn off the phone and open the books.
4. Incentives! - My sophomore year of high school was a rough year and by the end of the year I was burnt out and I honestly just stopped trying. My wonderful parents saw what was happening and provided an incentive to keep me working. My attitude and grades picked up with my mind on getting to Charlotte, NC for a NASCAR weekend. I honestly don't think last year would have ended as well as it did without that incentive. Now it doesn't have to be a huge incentive like a vacation but maybe you get something sweet for every A you get or something like that.
5. Take Breaks! - This is huge. I know a lot of people who will burn themselves out by studying and not taking time for yourself. I know if I try to study to long I start slacking and I really don't actually study so take study breaks. Go for a walk, have a snack, check social media, or just do something that is not related to school at all.
6. Eat Healthy! - Eating healthy is going to help your brain be so much more efficient. I am a big fan of sugar and sweets but it makes my body feel sluggish and not to great. Healthy foods get my body moving and my brain gets way more focused.
7. Stay Positive! - You can do this. Staying positive will increase your mood and your performance. I have been known to leave positive notes for myself in places so that when I am studying of taking the test I see the note and it is huge encouragement.
8. Countdown the Days! - Counting down how many days you have left just helps you see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have countdowns for so many things including the last day of school. It is helpful to see that and be reminded your almost there, If you need a goo countdown app I recommend Dreamdays! It is totally awesome and I love it.
9. Plan Your Summer! - What is more fun that planning your summer vacation. Take time to get excited for summer by planning and making arrangements for the best time of the year.
10. Pass the Test! - After all the studying and hard work you have put into this just take the test and then head out to summer. It will feel great to be done and you will have accomplished another fantastic school year.
This is my How To! for surviving to the end and I have no doubt you can do it! If you have another fun way you get through the end of the year feel free to share it with me and feel free to share this post with someone else so that they can be successful too! I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you have a great week!
- Megan
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