Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How To: Long Car Rides!

Hey guys so with summertime coming up people are going to start traveling to the beach or to fun places. Now for anyone going on a long car ride it is hard to keep yourself occupied for a long time. Yeah you have your phone and headphones but even after a few hours that gets so boring and you have probably used a lot of data. When my family goes on road trips we have creative ways to keep everyone occupied and keep these trips stress free. So with another #MegsHowTo lets get started.

So when I start packing for a trip I start the night before. This insures I won't forget anything and I have time to think about what I need. But the first step is picking a bag that can hold all of your stuff. If you have more than one person in your family or you just like to keep things organized like me try to limit yourself to one bag. A big tote bag or even a plastic bin is a great option.

So once you have your container picked out it is time to fill it and here are some ideas on what to fill it with!
  • Movies
  • MadLib books
  • Coloring books
  • Window crayons with Baby wipes
  • Magnetic board games
These are only a few ideas of what I like to have when I take car trips but I am sure you have your favorite things to and you have your phone and headphones too. 

If you happen to be the one driving I have tips for you that will help keep you engaged during the trip!

  •  Making a playlist for long trips is a must for me. I am notorious for changing the song a lot to find that one song I like so making a playlist that is fun and upbeat keeps you engaged but you can have some fun while driving.
  • Have your snacks and drinks close to your seat. This way you don't have to look around for things.
  •  If you have a someone with you make up a game! Whether it is the license plate game where you find license plates from other states or counting how many red cars you can find just make up a game to keep engaged. 

Any road trip is super fun but you have to have the right snackage to be completely happy but some snacks are actually bad for road trips! This is a list of snacks that you should pick up from the gas station to have on your adventure.
  • Any kind of nut
  • Granola Bars
  • Fresh Veggies
  • Cheese
  • Trail Mix
  • Fruits
Now it is not bad to have a candy bar or two on a trip but eating these foods give you energy to keep driving and they aren't to messy plus healthy snacks can be yummy too!

These are just a few tips to make road trips more fun and not as painful as some can be. If you are driving make sure to stop every now and then to stretch your legs and see some scenery! If you are taking a road trip send me a picture of you on Twitter of how you road trip with snacks and stuff using the #MegsHowTo so I can see! I would love to see how you rock road trips!

I hope you enjoyed this post and don't forget if you have something you want a How To! on send them to me on Twitter using the hashtag I have been using and please share this post with your friends and I will talk with you guys later!


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