Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Special Opportunity

So as many of you know I am very active in my church's youth group and on Saturday I will be leaving for a mission trip and I will be heading to Niagara, New York for a week. During the week I will get to serve the community by doing different projects that we are assigned through an organization called YouthWorks. This is an organization that is very involved with communities across the country. They are an amazing organization to work with and be a part of. They also are very good about taking us out into the community to see the places around where we are working. Mission trip is a big part of my summer and such a wonderful experience. So as I am preparing for this big week, I do ask that you pray for me and my group as we serve. Pray for our travel and that we can make a big difference in that community.

Now my youth group has a policy that we may not have cell phones on retreats or the mission trip. I am perfectly fine with this policy. It allows me to connect with the group, the community, and God. This means I will not be able to be on any social media starting Saturday. I promise I will fill you in on all the details of my trip when I get back because I can't really change it. So don't freak out when I drop off the face of the Earth for a week. I promise I am okay and I will be back soon!

I will be back in a week and I love you guys!

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