Many people find makeup to be a shield of insecurity. They use it to hide who they are or to impress someone but nowadays you don't find to many people that do makeup because the love doing makeup or because it just gives them more confidence. When I started doing makeup I was in middle school, the time where everyone is trying to learn who they are. When I went to middle school I knew absolutely no one. All my friends from elementary school had gone to a different middle school and I was basically left to make new friends. The first few weeks I looked at everyone and I saw who I really wanted to be friends with and what they did. I noticed a lot of girls did makeup so I started to do makeup to. I did it because everyone did makeup. I had been bullied in elementary school and I was determined to change who I was. I wanted to fit in but really I just felt like I stuck out more.
I went through middle school doing makeup and learning new things but I found my confidence taking a nose dive because while I was focusing on fitting in I realize now I was trying to fit in with the wrong people. When I got to 8th grade I realized I had friends who were talking behind my back and they honestly weren't friends. I made the hard decision to let some friends go and I became friends with the people deemed as "outcasts". Let me tell you that I am still friends with those people and the people I thought were my friends are people who don't make the best decisions. Now you are probably wondering what this has to do with makeup. Yes I did my makeup to fit in but when I did my makeup I was hiding who I was under layers or makeup and the real me was hidden away.
I am now prepping for my senior year of high school and I can tell you that I still do makeup everyday but not to fit in. I do makeup because it gives me confidence and makes me feel beautiful. I don't do it so other will like me or so that boys will like me. I do it because it makes me feel good. There is no harm in doing makeup but make sure you are doing it for you. If someone doesn't like you because you don't wear makeup then you don't need them in your life. I have started this series called Beautiful You. This is a series about making yourself feel more confident in yourself not to pressure you into wearing make up or making you think that wearing makeup is the only way people like you. I believe that every girl in the world is a princess. Every single one. You are beautiful and that is meaning of this post is to tell you that you are beautifully made.
I now challenge you to The Power of Makeup. Do your makeup on half of your face. Now trust me it is way harder than it looks but then post it using the #ThePowerofMakeup and tag me in it so I can see. You are so much more beautiful than you think of yourself. I know it is hard to feel confident in a society that judges you on your looks but I promise that you are worth so much.
I hope you feel more confident in yourself after reading this. This is a big part of my story and a big part of who I am. Please share this with someone that you think needs to hear this. it is sad to know people who believe they are not worth anything. I hope you enjoyed this post and I will talk to you guys soon.
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