Monday, March 21, 2016

How To: Picture Taking!

Hey guys so before we get to the blog post I have to saw how blessed I feel to say that Rocking the World has reached over 1000 views! This is so awesome and it is because you guys keep reading and supporting me and this blog!

 Now for the post. I decided I am going to start a How To! series! I am really excited because this is a chance for me to share how I do things and even try some new ways of doing things! This series is also interactive! If there is something you want me to write a How To! on feel free to tweet me using #megshowto and I will do my best to write one! Today I am gonna start this off with How To: Picture Taking!

So before you take your picture here are a few thing you need to make sure of!

  • So when you are taking a picture you really want to make sure there is a lot of natural light! Natural light brings such a brighter light than light bulbs. 
  • Wear something that makes you feel happy and feel beautiful!
  • If you want to have make up on make sure it is natural and only enhances your beauty! Foundation and concealer are always a must for me so that I can even out my skin tone and then I do a natural eye shadow and my eyeliner just on my top lid.
Then you have to find a pose you like! I am one that likes to put my hand on my hip. It is a comfortable pose for me. You just have to play around with poses and see which one you like!

Now if you are taking pictures with other people you have different posing options. You can stand in a line with your hands around each other. Whatever you do it is completely your own thing that you have to play around with. 

Now I know a lot of people that use selfie sticks to take their pictures and if you like this option just make sure the picture looks natural. That is the main goal of taking pictures and sharing them is to look into your life and look natural. 

If you want to see more tips Improve Photography has a great article about this which I have included ( and they have some really good points! 

Now here are some pictures I have taken that are some of my favorites because of how natural they feel to me 

I really like this one because of a few things!
  • My outfit is a simple outfit that I wear a lot in the summer and it just makes me happy
  • I have my normal hand on hip and Dalton has his normal dangling arm
  • The natural light is just awesome even though it was raining it was nice lighting

This one is a great group shot!
  • The lighting was a little rough because it was night but the we faced the light so you could see us a little better and it helped ilimnate shadows
  • Seanna and I like putting out hand on our hips so we were on the ends and Daniel and Katelyn like putting the arms around

 Another group shot with different circumstances!

  • This picture was taken during the day which is way better lighting but it is good because of the brightness
  • We were sitting but we did adjust but leaning out so all three of us could be seen.

These are just some examples of fun pictures with my tips! 

I hope this helps you with future picture taking and if you use any of these tips please share them with me using #megshowto and I will talk to you guys soon!


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