Thursday, February 18, 2016

My Story!

So a lot of people have been asking me lately about my blog and why I started it and why I do it. I thought I would take some time to tell a little bit of my story and the story of Rocking the World. 

So on September 5th of 2015 I was really bored one night. I was editing pictures that I had taken on a trip I had taken to a racetrack and was trying to share my pictures and I wanted a place to write down all the memories I had experienced on that amazing week. So I talked to my friend Brittany who I knew had her own blog and long story short I decided to make Rocking the World. 

When I first started I watch YouTube video after YouTube video trying to figure out how to make this blog successful. Then I created my first mini-series and that's when my views started to go up. I had more and more people clicking on my posts. I found the thing that liked to do which was sharing my view and my way of doing things for different seasons. It also gave me a way to think differently. I think about how I can blog about something and share the happiness I experienced. 

Another thing about the blog people ask me about in the landmarking.  This little pose came from one of my role models but I gave it my own little twist and now I take picture like this one and it stands for amazing adventures I have. 

Rocking the World started off as a place I could share my love for racing along with my love for photography but now it is a place I can be myself and it is a way I can connect with other people. It has turned into a new tool for communication and a place where all my memories are stored. 

I hope you all enjoy this blog as much as I do. I love connecting with you writing these posts to share. You all are one of the best support systems whether it just retweeting a new post or writing a whole tweet dedicated to sharing my name and blog! I wish I could just give each individual a hug and tell you thank you. I don't think I will ever be able to express my thanks enough. 

I hope the story of my blog has helped you understand this part of my story and I hope you all continue to support me throughout this journey. That is all for this post but I hope you enjoyed it and I will be announcing a new mini-series soon! But until then keep rocking and remember to connect with me on social media! I will talk to you guys soon!

- Megan

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