Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fall Favorites

Hey guys!

So with October finally here and Halloween around the corner, I thought I would share my top 10 things to do in the fall. If you have a favorite or something you like to do in the fall feel free to comment or send me a message on my social media. But with that lets get started!

1. My favorite thing to do in the fall is DRINK HOT CHOCOLATE. Call me weird but I love Hot Chocolate. I just love using all my different mugs and putting marshmallows and Whipped Cream in my mug and enjoying the warm drink.

2. Another thing I love doing is carving pumpkins. Especially if you make a party out of it. If you have friends and food it is so fun and can be a highlight of the season.

3. Number three on the list is going to football games at school! Wheter you actually understand what is going on (trust me I do not understand football) or you just like the social part it is always a fun time.

4. Go on a walk! I know it sounds lame but  go out and look at the beautiful colors around you. Take some pictures while you're at it!

5. Another favorite thing is making s'mores around a real fire. Get some friends together and just enjoy each others company. Plus s'mores are really yummy and I love them so I tend to eat too many. NO shame here.

6. One thing about fall that is AMAZING is when Disney Channel brings back all their Halloween movies and play them all the time. My favorite is Hocus Pocus. I always have friends over and we watch them together. Let me know what your favorite is in the comments!

7. Have a Halloween party! You are never to old to put on a costume and go have fun okay? I love dressing up and hanging out with friends. Especially if the party is on Halloween then you can go trick-or-treating and get candy too! So it is a win win situation.

8. Go on a hike! This kind of goes with the whole walk thing but hiking is fun and it's good exercise and really pretty!

9. Another thing that is amust is have a lazy day. Now I am not saying have a lazy day every day and never do anything. I am saying take a Saturday and chill. Get a cozy blanket and pick some movies and relax for a day.

10. Last but not least is ENJOY the season! Fall is so beautiful and so full of adventure.

I hope you enjoyed reading my top 10 things to do in the fall!  Hope this helps get your fall started off and gives you fun ideas! If you do some of the same things or have a favorite thing you do that I didn't mention let me know in the comments!

- Megan

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