1. Have a study buddy- Having someone that will keep you on track but make studying fun always helps. Studying alone, it is so easy to get distracted.
2. Flashcards- Flashcards are a great way to study on the go and quiz yourself
3. Start studying now- Cramming the night before an exam is not only stressful but you won't remember anything. Start studying for a few minutes every night to make information stick.
4. Online quizzes- There is an abundance of online quizzes and study tools. Quizlet.com is a website I use a lot and it really does help.
5. Rewrite notes- As awful as it sounds, rewriting notes is a great way to get information back in your brain and it will get you to review all of that information that you learned at the beginning of the year.
6. Ask Questions- If there is something you don't know ask your teacher! Teachers do not set out to make your life awful they really want to see you succeed. Ask them questions you have before the test.
How do you study for exams?