To my family, it was the place we went once a year to have pure fun. We became members of the Disney Vacation Club because we knew that Disney was always going to be a part of out lives. Every year, my family takes a vacation in the later months of the year to the Walt Disney World resort in Florida. To say I got excited about these trips is an understatement. Even as a teenager, the thought of a Disney vacation would fill me with excitement. But everything changed in 2010 when my father lost his job. Things got harder with a lack of money and expenses to pay. With bills stacking up and some scary situations in the future, our family had to cancel our Disney trip. For me, this was the most devastating thing that could have happened. I lost my happy place and my escape from reality.
Things got a lot harder for me and my family as time went on. My dad was searching for a job while my mom was working two jobs. Being an only child, seeing my parents this stressed and scared for what the future held was not only stressful but terrifying for me. I saw things slipping out of my hands. Disney vacations were no longer a choice for us because we couldn't afford the time off. On the inside, I felt my heart breaking every time I heard about someone going on a Disney trip because that was my place. That was my home.
Now you are probably wondering why I am talking about this. In a few days, my family and I will be leaving for our first Disney trip since 2009. For my family, this is a big celebration because we finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. My dad now has a job that is keeping us steady and keeping us going. My mom is back to one job and I am feeling so much joy because I am getting my happy place back.
Disney World will always be an important place to me because there, magic is real. In this world, you can escape reality for a little while and act like a child. You can soar with Dumbo or explore different worlds. But what matters is that while you are there, you have the time of your life. Now to say I am excited to start the journey to Florida is a huge understatement because at this point I am bouncing off the walls.
My wish for you is that you find your happy place. Find a place you can escape to when things get bad. Disney has always been more of a home to me than anything and that is something I will always cherish.